A Community Story
GoodRoots Northwest / November 19, 2021
The Bonney Lake Culinary Arts gives a gift of a Thanksgiving meal.
5 months ago we took over a crisis delivery route from the Bonney Lake Senior Center so that we can manage it long term. I love when other organizations reach out to me like this, to create sustainable plans to care for our community.
A devoted community member, Laurie, and her famous son Casey took over the route for us so that our senior citizens would have a consistent face. She dotes on them like they are her own parents...it's beautiful to watch. She knows them personally now, and after every delivery she reports back to the Farm to let us know how everyone is doing.
Protecting and caring for our community's most vulnerable right now is ALL of our responsibility. An no one gets this quite like a young mind. It's almost instinctual.
For Thanksgiving the Bonney Lake High School Culinary Arts class rose to the occasion and offered the ultimate gift of nurturing care, a home cooked Thanksgiving meal. Under the leadership of their instructor Kahale Ahina and our Food Steward here at the farm, Jennifer Ahina, they have made the most beautifully prepared and presented meals that are now safe in our freezer at the Farm until Monday morning's delivery.

If you have ever met Kahale, you remember. He has this infectious passion for food and for teaching his passion. Kids want to be around him...we all do really. His wife Jen, works at The Market as the world's first food bank Food Steward. She is our filter of quality and helps us all look at food as a celebration. By designing recipes, meaningful displays, and curating our assortment....she is the reason The Market looks and feels the way it does. Each meal will be delivered in a hand stamped bag (that she designed) and will include a brochure with heating instructions, info on The Market, and a holiday message. She makes things special...her heart makes all things special. As you can imagine, when these two combine forces on a project, I get to stand back and watch the fireworks. Sometimes I feel like my heart might burst wide open.

Every bag received will have a handmade card from a local Girl Scout from troop #40519. Troop Leader Kerri Hubler instills the true value of servant leadership with all her girls, age 2nd grade through 10th grade, who are often seen around town doing community projects. A festive place mat from a preschooler in Leah’s class at Lake Tapps Christian will also be included in each bag, some have hand prints and others have messages of love and thanks.

So there you go. A holiday post that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to top. It is truly...food for the soul. May each of you have a beautiful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
- Stacey