One Year
GoodRoots Northwest / December 31, 2021
Our first year!
One year.
We moved to the farm one year ago, Dec 1 2020.

We had undergone a partial renovation on what should have been a million dollar project with only $128,000 (talk about design on a dime). We did not have heat in the middle of winter, and did not have dependable electricity, water, or bathrooms. We wouldn’t have any of this for months … until we could afford it. To this day, we continue to make upgrades as grants allow. We’ve been patient and trust it will all work out as it should.

I took a risk. I had been told point blank by several people that I had no business moving so quickly on such an ambitious project so early in my career. What’s that saying about risk again??? “Risk and Opportunity Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin.” I believed so strongly that the future of food resource belonged on a farm that I couldn’t see it any other way. Our story had already been written in my mind.

I talk a lot about what our move to the farm has meant for our customer. Our customer has always been my primary focus. But in these past few months, as our project has gathered momentum, I've been thinking a lot about what got us here. The team. The people that were willing to stand in the uncomfortable unknown of this and persevere anyway. Throughout this year, the board of directors and staff have been bravely by my side helping to create a project that quite frankly should still be in the planning process.

What do I attribute this to? Our culture. Just as the building was being remodeled, our organization was also going through the same process. If I had to create a recipe for our success in working together, I would narrow it down to these 10 defining attributes of our culture.
Being Relentless About Preserving Customer Dignity
Being Bold While Holding The Balance Of Strategy And Risk
Being Willing To Not Have A Roadmap Or Know How The Story Ends
Being Flexible When Things Don't Work Out As Planned
Being Scared But Accepting That It's Part Of The Process
Being Understanding That Not All People Will Understand Us
Being Literally And Figuratively Always Willing To Have The Dirty Boots
Being Ready To Make Quick Decisions And Understanding The Power of Pivoting
Being Determined To Stand For What You Know Is Right, Even When You Feel Like You're Alone
Being Creative And Playful In Your Work, Even When The Subject Matter Is Heavy … Especially When It's Heavy

So there you have it. If you ever wanted to know how a group of ordinary people did something quite extraordinary, that's how. I've included a bunch of photos from our remodel, many of them have never been posted on social. I hope you enjoy.
Thank you: to our innovate board of directors, our exceptional staff, our devoted volunteers, our generous donors, and to our incredible customers. I can’t imagine a more meaningful first year.
Here’s to 100 more….